About Me

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This is a blog my sister and I created as something productive to keep ourselves busy. We're not sure if we will keep it up on a daily basis, but we will try. We hope you don't mind our pointless rants, facts and posts about our lives. After all we are "garrulous"! -Alex and J.Lynette


Hi everyone! This is where we will be posting our "GREEN IDEAS" stuff that we read, learn, hear or come up with that we think is pretty cool and good for the environment. We hope that most of what we post won't be tips you've already heard, we'll try to post new things all time.
Thanks for reading, 
-Alex and J.Lynette

For some great green tips, videos and more, you can visit 
http://www.davidsuzuki.org/ and

Green Idea #1
What to use
When you go out to eat at restaurants and you know that you won't be able to finish everything, instead of taking the food home in a Styrofoam container bring your own tupperware. It's re-usable and helps keep Styrofoam out of landfills. 
What not to use

Did you know that Styrofoam never decomposes,and that in 1986 an EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) report on solid waste named the styrofoam manufacturing process as the 5th largest creator of hazardous waste!? 
*For more about the negative effects of Styrofoam check out this blog *